
I'm done trying. I'm just done. It's in His hands completely. COMPLETELY

Trying has become a nightmare. I'm tired of trying. Trying to remember to pee on ovulation sticks, trying to remember to take pills, trying to remember what day I'm on, trying to get in the mood, trying to make it fun when at times it feels robotic, trying to remember to pay all the bills for this ride. try try and try again. It's a vicious cycle. One that I've been fighting for 6 years (minus 9 months). I'm exhausted, our bank account is exhausted, and I'm getting old.

I will continue to take the pills I have until they run out. That's 7 days worth. After that I'm done. I will not set foot in another doctors office for infertility. I will not purchase another prescription drug. I will not buy any more sticks to pee on. (*disclaimer~Only one thing can change all this and that is if my husband ever asks me to do any of the above.)

It makes me sad that this is the way my journey has been. I know it is God's plan and at times I understand why perhaps. I used to want 4 kids. Yep 4! I wanted a house full of laughter, screaming, love, big family dinners, all my friends' kids over because we were the cool parents, summer BBQ's packed with our family.... the list goes on. As month and months go by the number of kids I want get's smaller. I know I'm not OLD and I still have plenty of time,  but I always dreamed about being a younger mom, younger grammy etc. This vision I have just seems like a far off dream.

I know some of you are saying 'Don't loose hope Lacie, Don't give up, I'm praying for you....' I have to say... It's hard not to loose hope and want to give up. I do ask that you continue to pray for us. At times I am at complete peace about this and at times my heart just hurts. My prayer is this. That the Lord provides me a complete peace about this journey. That if it is his will, that soon Ron and I will conceive a child naturally. I pray that my days and nights are filled with things to take my mind far away from fertility. I pray that as my life moves forward I become a better mom to Dillon and a better wife to Ron. I pray for healing for my body. And I especially pray for any of you who are struggling with maybe this same issue, or something else... that you would be comforted too.

I will not be writing on this blog again for quite awhile. (Not that I write a lot on it anyways ☺) but please please if you know of anyone struggling with this same situation please share my blog with them. Thank you for your support over the past year, thank you for reading and thank you for keeping us in your prayers.


Merrihew Few said…
Lacie, I don't have any perfect words for you. I haven't been in your shoes so I won't pretend to know how you feel or what you are going through. I just wanted to say I read your blog and I appreciate your honesty and cries from your heart. Considered yourself hugged and lifted up in prayer. May God be your refuge and strength, and in him may you find comfort.
Jody said…
Hello Lacie, my heart breaks for you as I read your last post. I stumbled across your blog one day while looking at photography as I am an aspiring photographer, but your blog resonated with me as I too have suffered from infertility. I write now to give you hope. My husband and I tried to conceive for over 10 long years, starting in 2000. Lots of meds, injections,doctors, and pee sticks! We had two miscarriages on our journey and lots of heartbreak. I had many of the same feelings you did. We did successfully conceive our son via IVF and he was born on December 2010. I am now 35, my husband 37 which is not how we wanted it, to be older parents. But we are so overjoyed that he is now in our lives after 10 years of "trying", it doesn't seem to matter as much. Costs are steep in the fertility world and I feel your pain. We are originally from OR but my husband is in the military, so stationed in CA. Although you don't know me, if you ever need to vent or chat with a veteran infertile, I'm here.
Lacie Lauree said…
Heather, Thank you so much friend! I feel the hug! :)

Jody, Thank you so much for your sweet words! I am sorry that you too have had to deal with infertility! Yeah for having a son!! Our son was born in December too. 2008 though. He has been such a huge blessing to me on this journey. A true gift from above!
Anonymous said…
Hi Lacie! I'm not sure if you still get comments from your blog, but i felt the need to write. THANK YOU for being H.O.T! Honest, open and transparent. I came across your blog just this morning from another website and have read the whole thing from start to finish! I was 10 wks pregnant with our first and found out i miscarried 6 days ago, yesterday i had a D & C. I have been scouring the internet from the couch, reading, crying and smiling my way through posts, and blogs! Yours was such an encouragement to me, the highs and the lows you openly shared were water to my dry bones. I'm early on in the ride and i have no comprehension of what you have been through, but my heart breaks along with yours! Some times when i picture heaven i picture all these unborn babies running around playing with each other and that brings me so much comfort and joy. My sister lost a baby after 5 months and we now think it is so cool that they have each other in heaven, cousins to play with! Thank you for openly sharing your faith as well! My husband and I realize this is now part of OUR story from God and we are excited to see how he is one day going to use it! While i was reading your blog i was praying for you, wherever you are at in life, whatever is going on I pray you continually find rest in your Savior. May the chord of three strands between God, your husband and you not easy be broken (Ecc 4:12). God bless you and your family, and thank you for your words.
Lacie Lauree said…
Dear Anonymous. Hopefully you come back to see if I respond.

You are amazing. Thank you thank you thank you for your kind and incredible comment.

I am SO sorry for your loss. Please know that I am praying for you every so strongly.

I love the visual of heaven. :) It's almost emotionally overwhelming to think of all the mommies and daddy's being reunited. It's going to be amazing.

You sound like an amzingly strong woman. To read other people's journey and pray for them when you yourself are hurting is incredible and I thank you for your prayers! The Lord is going to bless you immensly.

Please stay in touch!

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