Here we go...
Well I called my doctor last week and we had a sit down face to face heart to heart about my "game plan" for getting pregnant. I feel it is important to have a good relationship with your doctor. You don't have to be best friends, but you should feel comfortable with him/her and they should know what is going on in your heart and in your head. The night before I jotted down my questions, issues, and thoughts. That way I was prepared and wouldn't waste any of his time or leave and then realize a question I forgot. Dr. Dan came in, gave me a HUGE hug and asked me how I was doing since the miscarriage. How thoughtful! I talked to him about how my cycles have been really short and how I have been seeing an accupuncturist and taking chinese herbs (which I have actually been so bad at taking because it tast like a shot of mud) we talked for a while about my body, my miscarriage history, and putting me on Clomid. At first he wasn't to thrilled at the idea of Clomid. Mostly because I had gotten a positive OPK on day 17 and 18 of my cycle. (I was on Day 20 when I was in his office) He did a progesterone test on me and I went back in Yesterday for another to compare. HOWEVER, the day I left his office I had some spotting, the next day none, but on day 20 my period came. DAY 20!!!! Long story a bit shorter.... Judi, my doctor's assistant called this morning to say that Dr. Dan says to take my first does of clomid TODAY! Needless to say, I am stoked. Hopefully I will see some changes this cycle. A pregnancy would be way cool! But I would just like to see a good solid ovulation early on, some changes in my CM, and a 28 day cycle would be wonderful.
If you could keep me in your prayers that would be great! Thank you!
If you could keep me in your prayers that would be great! Thank you!