Here we go...

Well I called my doctor last week and we had a sit down face to face heart to heart about my "game plan" for getting pregnant. I feel it is important to have a good relationship with your doctor. You don't have to be best friends, but you should feel comfortable with him/her and they should know what is going on in your heart and in your head. The night before I jotted down my questions, issues, and thoughts. That way I was prepared and wouldn't waste any of his time or leave and then realize a question I forgot. Dr. Dan came in, gave me a HUGE hug and asked me how I was doing since the miscarriage. How thoughtful! I talked to him about how my cycles have been really short and how I have been seeing an accupuncturist and taking chinese herbs (which I have actually been so bad at taking because it tast like a shot of mud) we talked for a while about my body, my miscarriage history, and putting me on Clomid. At first he wasn't to thrilled at the idea of Clomid. Mostly because I had gotten a positive OPK on day 17 and 18 of my cycle. (I was on Day 20 when I was in his office) He did a progesterone test on me and I went back in Yesterday for another to compare. HOWEVER, the day I left his office I had some spotting, the next day none, but on day 20 my period came. DAY 20!!!!  Long story a bit shorter.... Judi, my doctor's assistant called this morning to say that Dr. Dan says to take my first does of clomid TODAY! Needless to say, I am stoked. Hopefully I will see some changes this cycle. A pregnancy would be way cool! But I would just like to see a good solid ovulation early on, some changes in my CM, and a 28 day cycle would be wonderful.

If you could keep me in your prayers that would be great! Thank you!


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