No title comes to mind...
The past month (a little longer than that) has been mentally and emotionaly draining. I am sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. I really don't know what to write. I don't want to beat a dead horse. But I have just been a bit bummed. My husband and I are making some huge adjustment's in our career life and are nervous about the impact it will have. I would love to stay home with Dillon until he is in pre-school, but it's looking like I need to work, my husband is changing jobs and it's a bit nervewracking, My body is pissing me off. People around me are popping out kids or getting knocked up, it's been a year since my last pregnancy, I feel helpless, I am feeling very insecure about my photography, insecure in general, I am just emotional and tired.
Sorry this isn't upbeat, encouraging and positive.
Sorry this isn't upbeat, encouraging and positive.