2 Weeks
It seems as though when you are pregnant the weeks, especially in the beginning, go so slow. You are waiting for that first doctor's appointment. Even though you know you are pregnant, you can't wait for that ultrasound to confirm that the little speck that is your child is really there like that EPT stick says. You stare at the calendar counting down the days, you try and keep yourself busy to make the time fly by. But... when you have a miscarriage the weeks... they start going faster. It's crazy to think that it was exactly 2 weeks ago I had my miscarriage. Part of me is glad that it's gone by fast, but part of me wants to still hold onto that week. Maybe it is because part of me still wants to believe I am still pregnant, it's all sort of becoming a blur and it feels wierd. I am doing good though! We left last Thursday to go camping for Memorial weekend. I think that was huge in my healing process. It took my mind off "normal" life. We were out in the woods, no cell phones, no TV, just family, friends, great memories and happiness all around. It was so nice. In all honesty I didn't think about the miscarriage but maybe twice. (Plan youself a little getaway. Don't say you don't have the cash. Just think of the few co-pays we were going to have to pay for doctor visits... don't you deserve a night's stay somewhere, or a movie... Get out of the house!)
Lately I have been thinking a lot about like in general and the hardships we all go through in life. I remembered in the book by Dr. Dan Tomlinson titled Birth Pangs (read more about it HERE) he talks about how a miscarriage can be anything in your life. I wanted to share with you from his book. (I highly encourage you to purchase this book) Here is the paragraph from the book.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about like in general and the hardships we all go through in life. I remembered in the book by Dr. Dan Tomlinson titled Birth Pangs (read more about it HERE) he talks about how a miscarriage can be anything in your life. I wanted to share with you from his book. (I highly encourage you to purchase this book) Here is the paragraph from the book.
"Spiritually speaking, have you had a miscarriage in your life? Was God forming something in you that died? A marriage, for example, that didn't work our, or an idea that seemed so good but didn't work out, or an idea that seemed so good but didn't pan out. Oh, it was terrible when it occured... but it did, or it will come to completion. Afterwards, the Lord will do something new in your life, just as he is about to demonstrate to us with his creation." (Birth Pangs by Dr. Daniel Tomlinson, pg.30)
I am sure there are some reading this who are going thru a "miscarriage". Or have already experienced a "miscarriage" and can't break free. I encourage you to give it to God. Lay your emptiness, sadness, anger, troubles at his feet. Let our Heavenly Father hold you in his arms and give you the peace that only he can provide. Talk to Him!
Prayer- JOY
J-Jesus O- Others Y-You
I had heard this when I was in high school and I LOVE IT.
When you pray begin by talking to Jesus, thanking him for the blessings in your life. I know when we are hurting it's easier to start our prayers asking why. Why me God, don't you know there are other people that deserve this. Not me. Why God? Why now? But Why not. Are we not blessed in many other ways? Thank him for them! Then when you are done with J, move to Others. Pray for those that you have said you will pray for. It's easy for people to say "I'm praying for you".. DO IT! Pray for the others that need it. Pray for the people who don't think they need it. And when you get through all of that pray for you! :-) Sometimes I get to the Y and I realize the Lord has me in his hands. I am blessed. And I say my Amen!
I AM praying for you tonight. I may not know who you are, but the Lord does. He sees you right now, he knows you. Go to Him!
Faith, Hope, Believe
Encouragin verse for today: Philippians 4:12-13
Glad you got to get away... and begin your healing.